NoviGuide began with newborns. Working in the eastern Congo to implement neonatal guidelines, we encountered a recurring challenge — it is hard for doctors and nurses to follow clinical guidelines and even harder to tell remotely if and how they are being followed.
The neonatal NoviGuide was a conversation starter. Doctors, nurses and health administrators were eager to share their ideas for how NoviGuide could help improve patient care beyond the first month of life. We saw the power of having clinical decision support software that mirrored the diversity and complexity of the patients our users see every day. This challenge inspired NoviGuide and our goal to scale quality healthcare through an integrated clinical decision support platform.
Today, our team combines medical, technical and implementation expertise. Our extensive experience working with frontline clinicians taught us the limits of traditional training and the power of intelligent point-of-care decision support.
Joshua is a pediatrician whose primary focus is the care of neonates. He graduated from medical school at Vanderbilt University in 2007 and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California San Francisco. From 2011-12 he lived in the eastern Congo delivering pediatric and neonatal care alongside Congolese colleagues. His passion is working with, and learning from, frontline clinicians.
Elon is a technologist passionate about health, education, and design. He is thrilled that his interests intersect at Global Strategies, with its innovative technology programs for nurses who make crucial health decisions. Elon has experience designing and building mobile health apps, as well as contributing to design and development teams at a range of organizations, from startups to large companies like Autodesk.
Jean provides education and training to Global Strategies partners on data and technology solutions to help them care for their patients. Together with Uganda researcher Dr. Mary Muhindo, she led the deployment of NoviGuide at Tororo District Hospital. She is passionate about using technology and data to help improve the lives of women and children. She is active in the American Public Health Association's International Health section leadership and enjoys mentoring public health students. Jean has a B.A. in Economics from San Francisco State University and a Master of Public Health in Applied Epidemiology from Emory University.
Sloane brings over a decade of experience working with health partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Liberia and India. Her passion is building the capacity of local organizations to carry out health initiatives.
Co-founder and current Board Member of Global Strategies. Dr. Ruel is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. He is also the Chief, Division of Pediatrics, in the Infectious Disease and Global Health department and serves on the pediatric infectious disease clinical service and performs patient-based translational research of HIV-infection and malaria in African children.